Saturday, July 11, 2015

General Update

Howdy and Shorah!

It's been a long time! I've been busy with work and moving into a new place so I haven't had time to update here, but I have been getting some good work in on the mod. Let's get to it!

I've created three Uru themed foods you can create and consume to buff your character. You can only have one Relto food buff active at a time. I have ideas ready to go for other foods as well. The three that are currently in the game (and working!) are:

  • Teledahn Flatbread - inspired by the Teledahn Age in Uru. In that lore, the mushrooms of Teledahn were harvested and used to make food; bread made from these mushrooms was considered a delicacy. Various mushrooms found in Skyrim can be used to make a modified version of this mushroom bread.
    Cooking pot used for screenshot convenience, actually requires oven
  • Er'Cana Pudding - Er'cana was another Age created mainly for food; grain was produced and harvested there. A themed pudding is available now for Skyrim.
  • Chor Bahk - per the Myst books, chor bahk is some sort of D'ni meatroll, but nothing else is known about it. I interpret it as being similar in appearance to a burrito.
    Cooking pot used for screenshot convenience, actually requires oven

    Note that there have been some changes to the ingredients and effects since these images were taken; e.g., I changed the time from one hour to four. I also will change which foods have which effects as I make more foods, and I plan to do some more work on the textures to make them look nicer. I actually plan to remake many of the textures on other things I've worked on as well as I get more practice.


I figured out how to create weathers and climate for the Relto worldspace! There are currently two weather types, and I may create a few more (though not very many).

  • Pleasant - In this weather you can view a yellow sunrise, a blue daytime, a purple sunset, and a darkish night, with a few happy, serene clouds moving across the sky.

  • Raining - Rain is rare in Relto, but when it does rain it rains hard and the sky is covered with thick gray clouds. Daytime is rather dark, and rainy nights are almost pitch-black.
    Nighttime (with extra dark!)
Again, note some changes have been made since those screenshots were taken. For example, I figured out how to create and apply "imagespaces" to give it a little more atmosphere, which might be visible in some of the later images in this post.

Blooper Bonus: I found a setting that said "fog particles." This did not mean what I thought it meant.

Moiety Dagger

The Moiety dagger has been updated; it is now a wieldable, working weapon!

First person
Third person
It has some clipping issues when sheathed, so I may look into ways to make that less noticeable. However, other daggers I sheathed had this same clipping issue, so I think it's more of a problem of the vanilla placement of the daggers with certain armors. The hands also clip a little through the torus on the hilt, but it's not noticeable unless you are specifically taking screenshots from certain angles or during certain animations so I probably will leave it as it is.

Also shown in those screenshots: more flora and a new Relto hut! The custom hut I was working on is on the backburner for now... >_>

Storage Room Relto Page
I've made a lot of Relto pages for things you can unlock for both the exterior and interior areas. I don't want to post too many spoilers for that, but I will show one of them that I am working on for the interior: a storage room where you can put your trophies and collections on display! I haven't added lights to the room yet, so you'll have to squint a little at the images.
Display shelf
Put unique items from your inventory on display
Take items back from the display when you want them
Displays for Thieves Guild items and Daedric artifacts will be optional, where you can just press a button or something to turn them off if your character isn't into that sort of thing. If you choose this, you'll have regular shelves or more mannequins or something. I haven't worked out the details yet :-P

Here are a few miscellaneous images for random stuff I added:
A window you can slide open/shut

Firemarbles are now even glowier than before!
A place to clean up a bit
Dovahkiin should bathe daily

Relto Book Quest

After some thought, I've decided I want to (at least try to) make a quest you will need to complete to obtain your Relto book. I've put a lot of thought into it, and I think I've come up with a plot that works with both Uru and Skyrim lore, while still leaving it up to the player to choose if it was already their Relto book or not. There will be one large dungeon and one small dungeon (but possibly 5 additional small dungeons if I feel up to it).

There will be enemy NPC's you have to fight that each have their own background story you can learn if you want. They won't be voice acted though, as there are no plans to have the player talk to them; you'll have to read their journals and letters if you want to know their history. I'm hoping I can figure out how to give them their own armor/weapons/spells/abilities, as I want them to each be unique and interesting.

There will definitely be puzzles; I'm trying to find a good balance between fairness and difficulty, but I don't want the easy spoonfeeding baby puzzles that almost every game seems to have now. I really want the player to have to actually use their brain; you might even have to take notes. This will be my first time doing anything like this though, so we'll see how it pans out. I also want the quest to have no quest markers so you have to actually use the information you find to figure out where to go.

Speaking of puzzles, I will say that I plan to add a few secret puzzles on Relto itself. I won't give any more info than this except that I have no idea yet if solving them will unlock anything useful, or just some small aesthetic thing. One puzzle is already in and working. :-)

Happy Exploring!

1 comment:

  1. Is this mod still in progress? It is shut down because I'm a Myst fan and I mostly play Skyrim and Oblivion and I love to download this mod when ever it's finished
